sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011

Sobre a paixão

Uma coisa valiosa que aprendi com os relacionamentos é que a gente pode amar mais de uma pessoa ao mesmo tempo. Profundamente. Mas se apaixonar, não. É um por vez, numa espécie de fila indiana atemporal e mágica. Não dá pra nutrir suspiros e palpitações e securas de garganta e borboletas no estômago com o foco múltiplo. Não adianta nem tentar.


Um comentário:

Melbourne Yoga Blog disse...

Hi Love,

Love is essential. What we do not love, we must at least fear, lest it encroach on us. We cannot be indifferent to anything.

If we fail to love something, we must hate it.

That which we do not love stands forever as a threat to our peace of soul – Somewhere, someday, it may encroach upon our privacy.

Feeling is love evaluating its own condition, love in process of self-examination, determining how much freedom of action and how much of impedance it has to face.

Emotion is feeling overflowing its boundaries, either to increase the flow of life's energies, or to battle against inhibiting forces imposed upon it from outside itself.

Feeling and emotion are conditions of love, evaluating and flowing out from the centre of the living being to encounter the world and all beings within it. We could draw the seed of a tree, a tree as large as the universe itself, and call this seed the portal of infinite divine love through which must grow every living being in the whole of reality. This seed of love is eternally the doorway of universal joy, sprouting throughout infinite space to the continuous increase of cosmic harmony and the delight of all living beings.
- Eugene Halliday